
These are pages for the various sub-committees of the PCC.

They are shown in the drop-down menu.  Their pages will contain details of committee chair and members, a brief description of their rôle and any other important information or documents relevant to their activities.

The only committee required under Church Regulations is the Standing Committee; all others are set up at the discretion of the PCC.  The Vicar and/or the Curate are ‘ex officio’ members of all sub-committees.

All sub-committees report their activities to the PCC at their meetings and may make proposals for approval by the PCC.

Members of sub-committees do not have to be members of the PCC, but their membership must be approved by the PCC.  All PCC members are expected to serve on one or more sub-committees, and sub-committee chairs (or the Vicar or Curate) would be very pleased to hear from non-PCC members who would like to offer their expertise and talents in any particular area.

The different sub-committees, currently active, are:

Standing CommitteeThe Vicar
FinanceIain Ward-Campbell
FabricTed Collings