Readings & intercessions

Zoë Parker is keen to expand the pool of people prepared to read or lead intercessions at the main Sunday services.  If this idea appeals to you, please contact Zoë at to get more information Read More

If the idea makes you feel a bit nervous, then experienced readers are there to give advice and a bit of coaching – and the same goes for the intercessions.  A recent workshop run by the Vicar will be repeated before long……and there’s plenty of guidance available, including tips about content and sources of suitable material – just ask.

This is a really valuable contribution to the services and a great opportunity to exercise your own personal ministry.

Bellringers needed

We are URGENTLY in need of folk to ring the bells from time to time – particularly at weddings.  Bellringers receive a fee for ringing at weddings.Read More

We are looking for folk aged 13 years and older (including adults).  There is a code of conduct to ensure safety in the ringing chamber and access thereto, and proper training will be provided in that and the techniques of ringing (or ‘chiming’) the bells at St Robert’s.

Anyone interested should contact the Verger, Christine Ward-Campbell; 



Parochial Church Council (PCC)

The next planned PCC meeting is in the Chapter House at 7.30pm on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

If you would like to join the PCC, please speak to the Vicar or churchwardens about putting your name forward since there are will be vacancies at the Annual Parish Church Meeting to be held on May 26th.  Minutes of PCC meetings are available for inspection by arrangement with the Church office. If you would like any particular matter to be discussed at a future PCC meeting, please speak to the Vicar, either of the Churchwardens or any member of the PCC  Here is a current list of PCC members

There is a ‘restricted access’ area on the website for PCC members to view and comment on documents and other issues in between meetings, as well as receiving relevant briefings and other information….so if you are a PCC member – watch this space!  You have been given instructions on how to access this area – if you have forgotten, contact Iain Ward-Campbell (

Website feedback etc.


The ‘new look’ website has been operational for some while now…..and improvements and additions are being made all the time.  So. while this project is still ‘work in progress’ in many respects,  we would really welcome your feedback straight away……after all the site exists as a service to you, the users. Read More

  So let us know what you like and what you don’t like and what you think we could do to improve it.  Please also let us have any news or information which you would like to see available on the site.  If anyone has bright ideas about what they think the role of the website should be in our communications strategy….and what ought or ought not to be in it or linked with it, please have a word (that’s another way of saying ‘communicate’!) with Iain Ward-Campbell who is acting as webmaster (